Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Juice! Juice! Juice!

Want your kids to eat more fruit and vegetables? Why not juice? I don't mean the sugar filled, pasteurized, store bought stuff. I mean REAL LIVE JUICE!!! And, it's a great way to get lots of nutrition into your diet.

Some facts about carrot juice:
* Carrot juice is THE richest source of Vitamin A, but also contains Vitamins B,C,D, E, G (I didn't know there was a G), and K.
* Carrot juice helps promote the appetite and is an aid to digestion
* One pint of carrot juice daily has more constructive body value than 25 pounds of calcium tablets.
* Carrot juice is a natural solvent for ulcerous and cancerous conditions.

The best thing about carrot juice is IT TASTES GOOD!
We have been juicing for about 6 years. We have a mid-priced juicer, a Champion ($220), I find it easy to use, easy to clean, and economical. If you can afford the best money can buy, it would be the Norwalk Juicer. I also encourage you to research the benefits of blending, with a high quality, 3+peak horsepower blender. I would not recommend the Juiceman-type juicers... (you get what you pay for..)

My kids favorite juice is: carrot/apple or carrot/orange
My favorite juice is carrot/apple/celery
A great book on the benefits of juicing is: Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices, by N.W. Walker. Includes recipes and remedies for specific ailments (using juice therapy)
Oh! It best to drink fresh juice as soon as possible after juicing. The longer it sits in the refrigerator, the more nutrients are lost.
Happy Juicing!

1 comment:

  1. My hubby introduced me to juicing. It definately takes some getting used to that's for sure. Although I gotta say beet juice is awesome straight up!
