Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"King Corn"
We watched an eye opening documentary a few nights ago titled "King Corn". Living in Indiana, we love our sweet corn!

This film is about best friends who decide to move to Iowa to grow an acre of corn, after finding out (through laboratory hair analysis) that their bodies were made primarily out of….corn.

Americans are so “corny” because almost every product in conventional grocery stores – from steaks to chicken breasts to condiments to desserts to tomato sauce to frozen entrees (the list goes on) are ultimately derived from genetically modified (GMO) corn, either in the form of high fructose corn syrup or from corn-based animal feed. Scary thought!!!

The filmmakers visit cattle feedlots which hold thousands of animals dining on GMO corn-based feed and learn that too much corn causes the cattle to eventually develop an acidic condition (acidosis) that eventually kills them. Both corn-fed beef and high-fructose corn syrup contribute to the obesity epidemic in the United States.

This film is available FREE on Netflix instant view, and probably Google Video's. It is well worth watching!


  1. Hi Staci,
    I like your new blog!!
    Just out of curiosity what spurred the healthy thing to new and exciting levels?
    I haven't had a chance to see the documentary yet but I was wondering what you thought of organically raised corn from heirloom seed?
    Looking forward to your thoughts,


  2. Kelly,

    I wish I could say I had some grand revelation or something.. but honestly, during pregnancy I have a really hard time preparing and eating meat of any kind. So, for the past several months I have been reading raw, vegetarian, and vegan food blogs, looking for new food and recipe ideas.

    And, I decided it was silly to prepare a elaborate cooked meat and potatoes meal, and then something completely different for only me.

    What really struck me was when I learned that it is possible to get plenty of protein from green veggies, I don't need to eat meat for the protein. That's where the herbivores get their protein, so why eat it secondhand?

    And, I feel great when I'm eating vegetarian. My nausea and indigestion have completely gone away. Thank goodness!

    And about corn, from what I learned from the documentary, GMO corn raised for feed, and corn-based products is a COMPLETELY different animal than heirloom, organically grown sweet corn. Good thing too, because we LOVE our sweet corn!!! It was disheartening to learn that even Coke has GMO corn HF corn syrup in it!! Is NOTHING SACRED??? :)

